Updated at 22/10/2024
Projects Financed and Sponsored
The BIOFUND projects follow the lines laid down in its Strategic Plan, and may be consulted below.

- Marine Biodiversity Conference
- Biodiversity exhibitions and fairs in Mozambique
- Mozambique Conservation Leadership Program (PLCM)
- Funded Songs
- Mozambique Program for Conservation Leadership (MPCL)
- Biodiversity Exhibition in Chimoio (August 2019)
- Exhibition and debate on the Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany Biodiversity Hotspot (May 2017)
- Exhibition/fair on the Conservation of Biodiversity in Gaza (September 2016)
- Exhibition on Mount Namuli and African premier of the film “Namuli” (June 2016)
- Exhibition “Partnerships for Conservation in Mozambique and Fair on Biodiversity”