Updated at 16/07/2024
What is the PLCM?
The Leadership Program for Conservation of Mozambique (PLCM) is a personal and institutional development program by BIOFUND. It aims to: i) contribute to the transformation of the Conservation Sector in Mozambique by strengthening capacities and skills within the National Conservation Areas System (SNAC), ii) attract and motivate young talents with diverse backgrounds, focusing particularly on leadership skills for conservation, and iii) raise public awareness about the importance of biodiversity conservation, especially among young people.
The program began in 2019, initially for a period of five years, funded by the World Bank/IDA under the Mozbio2 project. The first results and positive impacts of the program in increasing the capacity and availability of conservation professionals highlighted the importance and necessity of extending and expanding its actions, leading to the entry of new financiers and donors to support the entire program, specific components, and new actions supporting the training of young people in the conservation sector.
Thus, starting in 2022, it received new funds from the World Bank/IDA under the MozNorte and MozRural Projects, with an initial duration of five years (2022-2026). Additionally, in 2023, it secured funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) under the Biodiversity Conservation Program, also with a five-year duration.

Enhancing the capacity and skills of professionals in the National Conservation Areas System (SNAC)
- Short-term professional training
- Professional exchanges and refreshers
o Goal by 2024: 185 SNAC professional beneficiaries
o Already benefited about 300 professionals (since 2020) from Public and Private Conservation Areas and other conservation sector institutions.

Motivating and attracting qualified young people to the conservation system
- Scholarships (Master’s Degree)
- Pre-professional internships
- Research grants
o Goal by 2024: 260 young graduates from higher and technical-professional education.
Already benefited 320 young people (since 2020) from all provinces of the country.

Engaging the general public, especially young people, in the conservation community network
- Exhibitions
- Awareness events on the importance of Biodiversity Conservation
- Creation of conservation rooms
Goal by 2024: 30,000 people reached
Achieved by June 2024: 30,975 people from 8 provinces of the country.

Professional Technical Training (MozNorte and MozRural)
- Scholarships for technical and professional education courses
- Short courses and entrepreneurship kits
o Goal by 2026: 260 scholarship recipients for technical and professional education and general secondary education.
o Already benefited 151 young people from the landscapes of the Environmental Protection Area of the Primeiras and Segundas Islands, Mágoè National Park, and Community Conservation Areas of Tchuma Tchato and Chipange Chetu.
Implementation of the Programme
The PLCM is implemented by BIOFUND in partnership with the National Conservation Areas Administration (ANAC), which primarily supports the coordination of training activities under component 1 of the program. To ensure national coverage, partnerships have been established with educational institutions in the southern, central, and northern regions of the country, providing academic training to program beneficiaries, particularly for scholarship programs.
The Pre-professional Internship program is implemented in coordination with Conservation Areas (public and private), public institutions, the private sector, Non-Governmental Organizations, and other institutions focused on biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural resource management. These institutions host program interns, integrating them into their action plans.
The program promotes and establishes synergies with relevant partners/opportunities in themes of environmental education and civil society awareness at various local, provincial, and national forums, compiling and sharing information and knowledge about the importance and relevance of biodiversity conservation for ecosystem balance and sustainable development, using various digital platforms (lectures, debates, films) and in-person formats (exhibitions, fairs, theaters, lectures, environmental rooms, among others).
The technical and professional education scholarship program is implemented through service providers, including WWF in APAIPS, WCS in the Niassa Special Reserve, in partnership with Mágoè National Park, and the management team of the Tchuma Tchato Community Conservation Program
Announcements and Tenders
Courses / Programmes
Consult here information from academic institutions with courses / programmes on the themes of leadership and conservation.
Steering Committee
With the goal of endowing the PLCM with a governance structure and to guarantee the legitimacy of the programme, among its beneficiaries, financing bodies, institutions and stakeholders involved in the programme and the community in general, the programme has its own Steering Committee (CD), which guarantees accompanying the programme and the taking of strategic decisions, as well as ensuring quality control of the activities, results and impacts of the programme. The CD meets twice a year
The Steering Committee consists of 12 permanent members and 4 permanent guests, involving a variety of institutions seeking to guarantee greater coverage and relevance of the programme (click here for more details on the composition of the CD).
List of Members of the Steering Committee
- Alexandra Jorge
BIOFUND – Directora de Programas
- Marla Josefa Mujovo
UNIZAMBEZE – Director da Faculdade de Engenharia Ambiental e Recursos Naturais
- Pacheco Faria
AMOS – Membro / Suplente – Adamo Valy
- Mohamed Harun
ANAC – Assessor do Director Geral
- Branquinho Manhonha
Gorongosa Restoration Project – Departamento de Desenvolvimento Humano
- Faruk Osman
CTA – Presidente do Conselho Fiscal da CTA
- Valério Macandza
UEM – Director Adjunto para a Pós-Graduação da Faculdade de Agronomia e Engenharia Florestal
- Ivandro Sitoi
FDC – Director de património e Investimento
- Leo Elias Jamal
Instituto de formação profissional e estudos laborais Alberto Cassimo (IFPELAC) – Director Geral
- Marcelino Caravela
UNILÚRIO – Director da Faculdade de Ciencias Naturais
- Carla Rombe
IUCN – Representante / Suplente – Oliveira Mucar
- Ivone Muocha
MCTESTP – Directora Adjunta no Centro de Investigação e Transferência de Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento Comunitário
Permanent Guests
- Manuel Mutimucuio
World Bank
- Madyo Couto
- Camila de Sousa
Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique
- Paulo Júnior
Know the experiences adquired in the PLCM by our beneficiaries



Mozambique Programme of Conservation Leadership – PLCM
For more information read the leaflet
In the event of any claim or complaint about the programme contact us