This tool is in an experimental regime. It has the main function of presenting maps of the habitats of Mozambique, based on existing information, with data compiled from various sources. The maps (shape files available at the BIOFUND offices) were developed by the Centre of Agricultural and Natural Resource Management Studies (CEAGRE), in a study ordered by BIOFUND and WWF-Mozambique, with the aim of laying the bases for the biodiversity offsets mechanism, according to the criteria of the International Finance Corporation (IFC). This study was possible thanks to the financial support of USAID/SPEED and of the Project for the Sustainable Financing of the System of Protected Areas in Mozambique (GEF/PNUD). The objective of this study was to group together all the existing and available information, as well as to make it possible to identify gaps in knowledge that need more detailed studies, and to make this information available.
Updated at 14/08/2017