
The Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) signed a five-year agreement to finance the Biodiversity Conservation Program in Mozambique, on November 25, 2022. The program aims to improve biodiversity conservation and strengthen the country’s capacity for climate adaptation and resilience, in close collaboration with the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC)


To enhance conservation of biodiversity and improve climate  adaptability and resilience in Mozambique.

Areas Covered

The Program covers 7 (seven) Conservation Areas located in the Northern, Central and Southern regions of Mozambique. These areas include sites of ecological importance and significant biodiversity (KBAs), namely:

The Biodiversity Conservation Program in Mozambique is made up of three sub-programs

Support Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Services in Relevant Land and Seascapes:
ensuring the preservation of biodiversity and the sound functioning of ecosystems.

Support Innovative Financing Mechanisms to Improve Biodiversity Value and Productivity in Relevant Protected Land and Seascapes:
encouraging sustainable practices and biodiversity conservation.

Strengthening biodiversity conservation and management through Policies and Human Development:
ensuring that biodiversity conservation is sustainably integrated into social practices and government policies.

Program Specific Targets

Strengthen the technical and financial capacities of Conservation Areas with a view to their sustainable management.

Promote the sustainable use of biodiversity and the diversification of sources of income to support biodiversity conservation.

Develop innovative management models for Conservation Areas under private management.

Training young professionals through the Leadership Program for Conservation of Mozambique.

Increase public awareness of biodiversity conservation practices and climate change adaptation and resilience.

Program Duration

The programme runs for 5 years (2023 – 2027)


USD 16,000,000 Million




Strategic Partner

Key Partners

Ministry of Land and Environment – MTA

Ministry of the Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries – MIMAIP

Conservation Areas covered by the Program

Muwai and LUWIRE Community Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas managed by Private Sector

Non-Governmental Organisations

Mozambican Association of Safari Operators

Steering Committee

To ensure that the programme’s activities are monitored, a Steering Committee (SC) has been set up, which holds a meeting once a year or whenever deemed necessary. The Steering Committee is an independent body in charge of central coordination, monitoring, evaluation and strategic decision-making for the program. In addition to these roles, the SC is responsible for ensuring quality control of activities, outcomes and impacts.