Ten PLCM trainees have been integrated into its sites since 2nd March 2020. This is the first group, with three integrated in BIOFUND, five in the National Administration of Conservation Areas-ANAC and two in the Centro Terra Viva-CTV.
Published at 03/04/2020
PLCM Starts Internship Activities

“It is important that humans conserve and use natural resources sustainably so that future generations have the same privileges. It is with this in mind that I decided to compete for the Leadership for Conservation Program, in order to acquire skills and methods to protect ecosystems, especially wild animals, and contribute to a good environment for coexistence between man and these animals,” said with enthusiasm the young Hagnesio Chiponde, graduated in Veterinary – PLCM trainee at ANAC.
We recall that one of the objectives of the Leadership Program for Conservation of Mozambique (PLCM) is to motivate and attract young people to Conservation in Mozambique.
In this context, the trainees were integrated in different professional areas, in the multidisciplinary perspective of the program, including areas such as: conservation of biodiversity; trade in endangered and endangered species; monitoring and evaluation; communication; veterinary; sport hunting; among others.
40% of the members of this first group are women, highlighting the fact that the program also seeks to stimulate greater gender equity in the conservation sector, in a context where the number of women professionals in this area is still quite small.
PLCM hopes that the success of the pre-professional internship program will be a strong contribution to the learning of skills and knowledge necessary for the beginning of a career in conservation.
Meanwhile, due to the current OVID-19 pandemic, in consultation with its partners, BIOFUND has taken the decision to suspend all activities not yet initiated in the Mozambique Conservation Leadership Program, especially those that would take place in the Conservation Areas, scheduled until April 30th (professional internships, research grants, scholarships and participation or organization of environmental awareness events). As warned in the announcement circulated on 23 March, the continuity of activities already initiated will be analysed on a case-by-case basis and in coordination with their supervisors.