© Public Domain
Environmental Projects
Updated at 21/04/2022
The information on the various conservation projects carried out in Mozambique may be very useful to all those working in this sector and for the public in general.
The table published in this site – with an indication of specific objectives, the sums involved, the places where the projects are carried out, the outcomes and impacts expected or, in the case of projects still under way, the current situation – was drawn up from data provided by the group of donors who, at regular intervals, meet informally in Maputo, to share information. This table does not include Trust Funds, Endowments or Biodiversity Offsets.
We shall attempt to complete this table in consultation with other sources and update the data at least annually. For contributions, suggestions and corrections please feel free to contact BIOFUND through info@biofund.org.mz.
The table below presents only the ongoing projects for 2018. For more detailed info (regarding projects on pipeline, finished projects, objectives and implementation sites) access the masterfile available for download at the end of this page.