This was one of the results of the forum held last June 18th over the theme “The Wonders and Challenges of the Largest Marine Conservation Area of Mozambique”, correlated with the General Assembly of BIOFUND, held at the Montebelo Indy Maputo Congress, Maputo.
Published at 09/07/2019
Forum Highlights Some of The Major Challenges of The Largest Marine Conservation Area of Mozambique
The Forum was intended to exchange experiences on conservation efforts in the region, to discuss the various challenges facing its management, particularly associated with the growing economic development in the region, and to explore synergies to promote sustainable development in APAIPS.
The event was attended by representatives of financial entities, members of government, civil society, academy, local communities, private sector and media.
During the debate, aspects related to the dynamics of the APAIPS operation were highlighted, with emphasis on some of the problems that this area of protection is facing, namely: mangrove deforestation due to anthropogenic factors; the mining activity that has changed the environmental conditions triggering and contributing to several environmental problems that alter the balance to the marine environment; the absence of an administrative structure; and the possible occurrence of coral bleaching.
On the other hand, Mateus Mutemba, Director of ANAC, one of the guests of the panel, stated that “the present moment is a very important milestone in the beginning of a new work between different actors, aiming for a more effective management, which began with the hiring and presentation of the APAIPS administrator to partners in the provinces of Zambézia and Nampula. From this moment, conditions are created to coordinate and take advantage of opportunities for development that take into account the different forms of resources in the referred area of protection.”
Below you will find topics and links to forum presentations including a video:

Ricardina Matusse – Administrator of APAIPS

Community involvement in biodiversity conservation initiatives of APAIPS
Domingos Almeida, Association of Artisanal Fishermen of Pebane, APAPE