COVID – 19 (Coronavirus) – in the context of measures to prevent the spread of this pandemic that plagues the world, and with some cases already confirmed in Mozambique, BIOFUND, in alignment with its socially responsible posture, and with the aim of avoiding a potential spread of Coronavirus, decided to proceed with the following measures:
Published at 31/03/2020
Corona Virus Communication

- To continue the different administrative and financial activities, as far as possible, and
using the different technological resources at its disposal; - To create the conditions for the different programmes to be able to monitor their
employees from their homes. - Correspondence may be sent by scan via the emails below, the reply will be sent by the
same route.
BIOFUND hereby reiterates its commitment to its beneficiaries, stating that the funding activities and the implementation of its procedures are still in force, having only adapted electronic and remote access procedures.
BIOFUND will re-evaluate the need to adopt new measures in accordance with government directives.
We would like to recommend to all our partners, employees and beneficiaries the utmost caution and sanitary care in relation to the mitigation of the propagation of COVID-19.
BIOFUND contacts in case of need are: * Tel.: 846960484 * Te.: 846155213