

World Environment Day

World Environment Day

World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated on the 5th of June every year, and is the United Nation's principal vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of our environment.
BIOFUND and COMBO Project promote an exchange of experiences workshop for Environmental Funds of Madagascar, Mozambique and Uganda on biodiversity offsets

BIOFUND and COMBO Project promote an exchange of experiences workshop for Environmental Funds of Madagascar, Mozambique and Uganda on biodiversity offsets

BIOFUND, in partnership with the COMBO Project held between 18 and 20 February 2019 an experience exchange workshop for Environmental Funds of Madagascar, Uganda and Mozambique on biodiversity offsets.
Watch the videos of the Biodiversity Itinerant Exhibition 2015-2018!

Watch the videos of the Biodiversity Itinerant Exhibition 2015-2018!

Initially shown in Maputo in 2015 , in a ceremony presided over by His Excellency the President of Mozambique, in Maputo, the BIOFUND Biodiversity Exhibition was transformed into an itinerant program, so that the first systematic survey of our natural heritage would also be appreciated in other capitals of the country.
BIOFUND explores partnership opportunities for training professionals in the national system of conservation areas and young conservationists

BIOFUND explores partnership opportunities for training professionals in the national system of conservation areas and young conservationists

BIOFUND held a visit to the Southern African Wildlife College in Hoedspruit (South Africa) from 16-18 January. The exploratory visit gathered information on the range of training courses offered by SAWC, mainly short and long-term courses related to biodiversity conservation. The two institutions discussed possible collaboration / partnership platforms for training staff from national conservation area system, youth conservationists and general public.
BIOFUND participates in the 20th Assembly of Latin America and the Caribbean Network of Environmental Funds (RedLAC) in Santa Cruz de La Sierra, Bolivia

BIOFUND participates in the 20th Assembly of Latin America and the Caribbean Network of Environmental Funds (RedLAC) in Santa Cruz de La Sierra, Bolivia

The Latin American and Caribbean Network of Environmental Funds (RedLAC) met from 27 October to 1 November 2018 in Santa Cruz de La Sierra city in Bolivia, at its 20th Annual Assembly with the theme of Creativity and Innovation for Sustainable Development.
BIOFUND promotes Training Program on Ecological Impact Assessment, Environmental Management Plans and Monitoring for Government and Private Sector

BIOFUND promotes Training Program on Ecological Impact Assessment, Environmental Management Plans and Monitoring for Government and Private Sector

A training program on Ecological Impact Assessment, Environmental Management Plans and Monitoring was held between October and November 2018 to train technicians from various Government institutions and members from Mozambican Environmental Impact Assessment Association – AMAIA in international best practices on Ecological Impact Assessment and application of the mitigation hierarchy, and environmental management plans.
Launching of Bio Card

Launching of Bio Card

Bio Card is the first biodegradable debit card in Mozambique, the product of a partnership between Banco Comercial de Investimentos (BCI) and the Foundation for Biodiversity Conservation (BIOFUND), launched on December 08, 2017.
African Ranger Award 2018 – Congratulations to a true custodian of nature

African Ranger Award 2018 – Congratulations to a true custodian of nature

Miguel Gonçalves, Park Warden of the Special Reserve of Maputo (SRM) and Partial Marine Reserve of Ponta do Ouro (PMRPO) - the Mozambique components of the Lubombo Transfrontier Conservation and Resource Area, received this month the African Ranger Award of 2018 a prestigious accolade presented by Paradise Foundation International and Alibaba Foundation.
Multimedia Exhibition on Biodiversity – Inhambane

Multimedia Exhibition on Biodiversity – Inhambane

Inhambane City
BIOFUND will hold the fourth Multimedia Exhibition on Conservation, as part of its strategy to promote the consolidation of a favorable environment for conservation in Mozambique.
World Turtle Day

World Turtle Day

The World Turtle Day is celebrated on June 23rd. The date was established in 2000 by the American Tortoise Rescue (ATR), with the aim of raising awareness about the need for rehabilitation, adoption and protection of turtles.
World environment day

World environment day

World Environment Day is celebrated on 5 June. The date was established by the United Nations in 1972 with the main objective of making civil society aware of the importance of preserving natural resources in order to create a critical and active attitude towards the environmental problems that exist on the planet.
BIOFUND organizes training in planning and finances for Conservation Areas

BIOFUND organizes training in planning and finances for Conservation Areas

From May 28th to June 1st, a training course in planning and finances for all Conservation Areas in the Country was organized by BIOFUND in partnership with the National Administration of Conservation Areas. This training builds on BIOFUND's administrative and financial procedures manual as a way of equipping the Areas with technical capacity to implement projects funded by the Foundation.
Forum Harmonizing the Development and Conservation of Biodiversity in Mozambique

Forum Harmonizing the Development and Conservation of Biodiversity in Mozambique

BIOFUND will organize on the 24th of May from 17.00 to 19.30, in the Montebelo Indy Maputo Congress Hotel (Indy Village), the Forum on the need for harmonization of economic development and biodiversity conservation in Mozambique and draws attention to the possible consequences of non-observance of international best practices in the economic development of the country.
World Migratory Bird Day

World Migratory Bird Day

May 11, 2018 is the International Day of Migratory Birds. This day is an opportunity to summon governments, organizations and individuals to save and conserve endangered species such as some migratory bird species. Currently more than 1,200 migratory birds are in danger of extinction.
6th BIOFUND General Assembly and discussion forum: Harmonizing the Development and Conservation of Biodiversity in Mozambique

6th BIOFUND General Assembly and discussion forum: Harmonizing the Development and Conservation of Biodiversity in Mozambique

BIOFUND will hold its 6th General Assembly, as well as a discussion forum on Harmonizing Biodiversity Development and Conservation in Mozambique, and will focus on the analysis of the economic growth associated with the extractive industry in Mozambique in the last decade versus impacts on the conservation of biodiversity.
Population of hippos in good condition

Population of hippos in good condition

Mozambique currently has a population of hippos estimated at just over 7,000 animals, according to a recent aerial census commissioned by the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC), funded by the World Bank through the MozBio project.
BIOFUND visit to Chimanimani National Reserve

BIOFUND visit to Chimanimani National Reserve

A team from BIOFUND was in April 2018 at Chimanimani National Reserve, in Manica province, in a group visit with representatives of various partnerships on conservation (FNDS, ANAC, DNDR, World Bank, FFI, Carr Foundation and PPF). The main objective of this visit was to help defining and prioritizing main actions for Mozbio 2 activities. There was good understanding and engagement of the various working groups from all institutions.
Conservation Areas of Mozambique

Conservation Areas of Mozambique

Get to know a little more of some of the most beautiful landscapes of Mozambique from the videos available on the website of the National Administration of Conservation Areas
Earth Hour, March 24, 2018 – Maputo, Mozambique

Earth Hour, March 24, 2018 – Maputo, Mozambique

Earth Hour is a WWF initiative that began in 2007 in the city of Sydney, Australia, when about 2 million people and more than 2,000 companies turned off the lights for an hour as a form of positioning against the global warming and climate change! This global sustainability movement has grown to include 7,000 cities in 172 countries of which Mozambique is a part - showing support for this cause by symbolically switching off their lights for an hour.
Photographic Exhibition “Biodiversidade de Moçambique (Biodiversidade Daqui)” (“Biodiversity of Mozambique [Our Biodiversity]”)

Photographic Exhibition “Biodiversidade de Moçambique (Biodiversidade Daqui)” (“Biodiversity of Mozambique [Our Biodiversity]”)

The photographic exhibition “Biodiversidade de Moçambique (Biodiversidade Daqui)” [“Biodiversity of Mozambique (Our Biodiversity)] is open to the public, from 8 to 15 December in the auditorium of the head office of the Commercial and Investment Bank (BCI).
BCI and BIOFUND launch the bio card

BCI and BIOFUND launch the bio card

The Commercial and Investment Bank (BCI), in partnership with the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND), on 8 December launched Mozambique’s first biodegradable debit card- the bio card.
10th Session of the Board of Directors of BIOFUND

10th Session of the Board of Directors of BIOFUND

The Board of Directors of BIOFUND met on November 23rd at its 10th Session. Its main agenda was to present and discuss the basis for a new strategy for BIOFUND, in the context of the greater demand for financing and the consequent growth of the institution. In addition to this theme, the main activities of BIOFUND have been discussed since the last session of the Board of Directors, with emphasis to the funding of 9 Conservation Areas (covering 6 provinces) financed by the World Bank (Mozbio Project) and by AFD (projecto Abelha).
The Culture of Conservation and Sustainable Development

The Culture of Conservation and Sustainable Development

In this second week dedicated to the exhibition on Biodiversity in Quelimane, we reached a total of more than 3000 visitors who had the opportunity to know more about our natural heritage exploring the exhibition with the help of guides, and increased, enriched and shared knowledge, participating in lectures and mini-courses with emphasis on the theme: Environmental Education, Coastal Erosion: Mitigation Measures.
The Culture of Conservation and Sustainable Development – Retrospective of the first 3 days of the Exhibition, Fair and Forum

The Culture of Conservation and Sustainable Development – Retrospective of the first 3 days of the Exhibition, Fair and Forum

The BIOFUND exhibition and biodiversity fair, which runs from October 17 to 31, 2017 at the Teacher Education Institute of Quelimane attracts in 3 days more than 1500 visitors with special participation of primary and secondary students from various schools of the city of Quelimane.