

Mozambique Strengthens Marine Conservation: new metric developed to assess the ecological condition of seagrass in Mozambique

Mozambique Strengthens Marine Conservation: new metric developed to assess the ecological condition of seagrass in Mozambique

On February 26, 2025, the COMBO+ Program—a partnership between the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND), and the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries (represented by the National Directorate for the Environment (DINAB)) — held a workshop to validate the seagrass ecological condition metric in Mozambique.
New Fleet Strengthens Biodiversity Defense: BIOFUND, ANAC, and Sweden in Action

New Fleet Strengthens Biodiversity Defense: BIOFUND, ANAC, and Sweden in Action

On August 27, 2024, the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND), in partnership with the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC) and with funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA-SWEDEN), delivered two new vehicles under the Biodiversity Conservation Program (2023-2027), coordinated by BIOFUND.
2nd Edition of the Marine Biodiversity Conference Brings Together Over 6,000 Participants and Announces Next Edition in Beira

2nd Edition of the Marine Biodiversity Conference Brings Together Over 6,000 Participants and Announces Next Edition in Beira

The 2nd Edition of the Marine Biodiversity Conference, held on 17 and 18 June 2024 in Nacala-Porto, was a highly successful event, bringing together a total of 510 in-person participants and over 6,000 online participants over the two days of the event.
Boosting Biodiversity Offsets: BIOFUND And Wcs-Mozambique Conduct Strategic Visit To El Salvador

Boosting Biodiversity Offsets: BIOFUND And Wcs-Mozambique Conduct Strategic Visit To El Salvador

The Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS-Moçambique), partners of the COMBO+ Program, embarked on an inspiring  exchange of experiences with Fondo de Inversión Ambiental de El Salvador (FIAES). The visit was essential to understand the ten years of success of this environmental Trust Fund in the mechanism of implementation of biodiversity offsets in El Salvador, Central America.
PLCM Celebrates International Biodiversity Day with a Workshop in Manica

PLCM Celebrates International Biodiversity Day with a Workshop in Manica

In celebration of the International Biodiversity Day, on May 22, the Foundation for Biodiversity Conservation (BIOFUND) through the Mozambique Conservation Leadership Program (PLCM), joined forces with Zambeze University (UNIZAMBEZE) and the National Parks of Mágoè, Gorongosa and Chimanimani to hold a workshop for celebration of biological diversity.
Biodiversity Conservation Program Assesses Progress in Pomene National Reserve

Biodiversity Conservation Program Assesses Progress in Pomene National Reserve

From May 6 to 10, 2024, the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND), the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC), and representatives from the Swedish Embassy conducted a monitoring visit to the Pomene National Reserve (PNR) under the Biodiversity Conservation Program. The visit focused on the construction of a warehouse and the rehabilitation of the Reserve Administrator’s residence, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA-Sweden), after both structures were severely damaged by Cyclone Freddy.
BIOFUND Conducts Training to Strengthen Environmental, Social, and Gender Safeguards

BIOFUND Conducts Training to Strengthen Environmental, Social, and Gender Safeguards

On May 13-14, 2024, a training session on Environmental and Social Safeguards (ESS), Gender, Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), and Sexual Harassment (SH) was held in Maputo City. The event aimed to equip staff from the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND) and implementing agencies, including the technical team from MTA/ANAC, with the necessary knowledge and skills.
PLCM Draws Over 200 Youths at Job and Entrepreneurship Fair in Maputo

PLCM Draws Over 200 Youths at Job and Entrepreneurship Fair in Maputo

At the recent Job and Entrepreneurship Fair organized by the National Institute of Employment (INEP) in Maputo on April 11, 2024, the Mozambique Leadership Program for Conservation (PLCM) made a notable impact, attracting over 200 young people interested in internship opportunities in the biodiversity conservation sector.
Biodiversity Conservation Experience Exchange: Ugandan Delegation in Mozambique

Biodiversity Conservation Experience Exchange: Ugandan Delegation in Mozambique

From April 3rd to 5th, 2024, the Uganda Biodiversity Fund (UBF) visited the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND) in Maputo, Mozambique, in an initiative led by BIOFUND with collaboration from the World Bank, the Swedish Embassy, and the Maputo National Park. The visit aimed to enhance UBF's capabilities and identify collaboration opportunities between the two conservation funds.
Pomene National Reserve Establishes Environmental Clubs in Local Schools Through Biodiversity Conservation Program

Pomene National Reserve Establishes Environmental Clubs in Local Schools Through Biodiversity Conservation Program

he Pomene National Reserve (PNR), located in Massinga District, Inhambane Province, has recently established two environmental clubs under the Biodiversity Conservation Program, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). These clubs are based in the Muchungo and Ngomalume Primary Schools (Grades 1 and 2), within the communities of Muchungo and Minerva, situated in the buffer zone of the Reserve.
COMBO+ Program promotes a visit to exchange experiences on good practices in implementing the Mitigation Hierarchy for Impacts on Biodiversity between government authorities and the company KENMARE Resources plc in Nampula

COMBO+ Program promotes a visit to exchange experiences on good practices in implementing the Mitigation Hierarchy for Impacts on Biodiversity between government authorities and the company KENMARE Resources plc in Nampula

The partners of the COMBO+ program, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND) and the National Directorate for the Environment (DINAB), in partnership with the company KENMARE Resources plc, promoted a visit to exchange experiences involving government entities and civil society...
BIOFUND and AGROTUR Collaborate for the Conservation of Chimanimani Biodiversity

BIOFUND and AGROTUR Collaborate for the Conservation of Chimanimani Biodiversity

The Biodiversity Conservation Foundation (BIOFUND) and AGROTUR, Lda recently celebrated a strategic five-year partnership with the aim of strengthening the protection of Chimanimani National Park (CNP). This alliance between the private sector and conservation organizations marks a significant advancement in the preservation of Mozambican biodiversity.
Environmental Impact Assessment Authority establishes Technical-Scientific Unit to Support Biodiversity Offsets

Environmental Impact Assessment Authority establishes Technical-Scientific Unit to Support Biodiversity Offsets

The National Directorate for the Environment (DINAB) and its partners in the COMBO+ Program, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND), held the first meeting to establish the Technical-Scientific Unit to Support Biodiversity Offsets yesterday, 5 October 2023, in Maputo City, attended by 19 participants from different sectors.
Different sectors of the government and partners met to select the priority components of coastal and marine biodiversity in the northern Mozambique Channel, in order to draw up technical guidelines for mitigating impacts on the oil and gas sector.

Different sectors of the government and partners met to select the priority components of coastal and marine biodiversity in the northern Mozambique Channel, in order to draw up technical guidelines for mitigating impacts on the oil and gas sector.

A Direcção Nacional do Ambiente (DINAB) em parceria com o Programa COMBO+ [liderado pela Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) em coordenação com a Fundação para a Conservação da Biodiversidade (BIOFUND)], no âmbito da iniciativa de Gestão Integrada dos Recursos Marinhos e Costeiros do Norte do Canal de Moçambique (NoCaMo), e a Fauna & Flora (FF)
Students from Eduardo Mondlane University Receive Training in Ecological Restoration at Maputo National Park

Students from Eduardo Mondlane University Receive Training in Ecological Restoration at Maputo National Park

Matutuine, September 8, 2023 — A group of 26 Bachelor's degree students of Forestry Engineering program at Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) participated in a study visit to Maputo National Park (PNAM). The visit aimed to equip the students with theoretical and practical knowledge about ongoing ecological restoration activities at PNAM.
13th General Assembly of CAFÉ Held in Arusha, Tanzania, with Notable Involvement of BIOFUND

13th General Assembly of CAFÉ Held in Arusha, Tanzania, with Notable Involvement of BIOFUND

The 13th General Assembly of the Consortium of African Environmental Funds (CAFÉ) took place in Arusha, Tanzania, from August 28th to September 1st. The event, organized by the Tanzania Forest Fund (TaFF) and the Endowment Fund for Conservation of the Eastern Arc Mountains (EAMCEF), brought together various global stakeholders with the aim of enhancing capacities and sharing innovative experiences in funding mechanisms for biodiversity conservation.
1st Edition of Marine Biodiversity Conference Drives Action for Marine Conservation in Mozambique

1st Edition of Marine Biodiversity Conference Drives Action for Marine Conservation in Mozambique

On July 27th and 28th, the 1st edition of the Marine Biodiversity Conference took place at the Maritime Museum in Maputo. The event was led by the Biodiversity Conservation Foundation (BIOFUND) in collaboration with the Ministry of the Sea, Inland Waters, and Fisheries (MIMAIP), the Maritime Museum, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), the Peace Parks Foundation (PPF), the Italian Cooperation (AICS), with financial support from the Blue Action Fund, Government of Sweden, World Bank/Mozbio 2 Project, and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS).
COMBO+ trains technicians from the Ministry of Land and Environment in Monitoring and Post-Evaluation Plans in the context of Environmental Management and Biodiversity Offset Management Plans

COMBO+ trains technicians from the Ministry of Land and Environment in Monitoring and Post-Evaluation Plans in the context of Environmental Management and Biodiversity Offset Management Plans

The COMBO+ Programme, led by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in partnership with the Foundation for Biodiversity Conservation (BIOFUND) and the National Directorate for Environment (DINAB), held between 29 and 30 June 2023 in Maputo City, the training of technicians of the Ministry of Land and Environment (MTA) on the Monitoring and Post-Evaluation Plans in the context of Environmental Management and Biodiversity Offset Management Plans (BOMP) (Module 5), which was attended by 28 participants.
BIOFUND Showcases Mozambique’s Biodiversity at the 7th CPLP Environmental Education Congress

BIOFUND Showcases Mozambique’s Biodiversity at the 7th CPLP Environmental Education Congress

The 7th International Congress on Environmental Education of Portuguese-Speaking Countries and Communities (CPLP) kicked off today, July 4, 2023, at the Joaquim Chissano Conference Center in Maputo, Mozambique. This gathering holds significant importance in the realm of environmental conservation and sustainability, standing as a milestone in efforts to preserve biodiversity and promote a more sustainable future. The event will run until Friday, July 7.
BIOFUND and MIMAIP sign partnership during World Oceans Day celebrations

BIOFUND and MIMAIP sign partnership during World Oceans Day celebrations

As part of the World Oceans Day celebrations, the Biodiversity Conservation Foundation (BIOFUND) and the Ministry of the Sea, Inland Waters, and Fisheries (MIMAIP) signed a partnership by endorsing a Memorandum of Understanding at the event held on Thursday, June 8, 2023, at the Maritime Museum.
PLCM promove Educação Ambiental e Arte Sustentável na Escola Secundária de Sussundenga

PLCM promove Educação Ambiental e Arte Sustentável na Escola Secundária de Sussundenga

Na manhã de quinta-feira, 04 de Maio 2023, a Escola Secundária de Sussundenga acolheu uma iniciativa promovida pela BIOFUND, através do Programa de Liderança para Conservação de Moçambique (PLCM) em parceria com o Parque Nacional de Chimanimani e Associação Gonazololo. O evento visou consciencializar os alunos sobre a importância da preservação do meio ambiente através da adopção de práticas sustentáveis, como a reciclagem e a recolha selectiva de resíduos sólidos.
COMBO+ program provides training to members of civil society organizations on biodiversity impact mitigation from development projects

COMBO+ program provides training to members of civil society organizations on biodiversity impact mitigation from development projects

The National Directorate of Environment (DINAB) in partnership with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Foundation for Biodiversity Conservation (BIOFUND), through the COMBO+ Program, held between February 27 and 28, 2023 in Maputo city, a training to the platforms of civil society organizations (CSOs) on the application of the regulation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Process (Decree No. 54/2015 of December 31) and the Directive on Biodiversity Offsets in Mozambique (Ministerial Diploma No. 55/2022 of May 19).
Another 61 young people ready to contribute to the future of biodiversity conservation in Mozambique

Another 61 young people ready to contribute to the future of biodiversity conservation in Mozambique

The Mozambique Conservation Leadership Program ( PLCM ) launched this Monday, February 13, 2023, its 4th edition of pre-professional internships across the country! This year, there are 61 interns, trained in several multidisciplinary areas, who will be allocated to 22 internship centers, including 18 public and private Conservation Areas, as well as 4 conservation institutions at the central level.
BIOFUND Meeting approves a strategy to protect biodiversity in Mozambique

BIOFUND Meeting approves a strategy to protect biodiversity in Mozambique

We are really excited to announce the realization of the XI Members Assembly Meeting of the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity - BIOFUND, which took place in Maputo City on February 9, 2023. This session was attended by 28 people, including representatives of government, non-governmental and academic organizations related to the conservation sector.
Young People and Leadership in Biodiversity Conservation: Get to know the history of Baptista Bisteque

Young People and Leadership in Biodiversity Conservation: Get to know the history of Baptista Bisteque

"The young leader Baptista Julião Bisquete, 27 years old, born in Morrumbala, Zambezia, has a degree in Communication Sciences with skills in Journalism. Baptista is one of the beneficiaries of the 3rd edition of pre-professional internships of the Leadership Program for the Conservation of Mozambique (PLCM), implemented by the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND) in coordination with the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC).
Café de Manica and BIOFUND protect the biodiversity of Chimanimani National Park

Café de Manica and BIOFUND protect the biodiversity of Chimanimani National Park

Café de Manica is collaborating to protect Mozambique's biodiversity. In January 2023, the company sent 2% of its annual revenue from the sale of coffee in 2022 to the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND), with a view to strengthening its support for the conservation of biodiversity in the Chimanimani National Park.
National Directorate for the Environment (DINAB) and partners conduct training on the design of Biodiversity Offset Management Plans

National Directorate for the Environment (DINAB) and partners conduct training on the design of Biodiversity Offset Management Plans

The National Directorate for the Environment (DINAB) in collaboration with the COMBO+ Program led by the Wildlife Conservation Society ( WCS ) in partnership with the Foundation for Biodiversity Conservation ( BIOFUND ), carried out between the 14th and 15th of December an intensive training for government technicians on Ministerial Diploma No. 55/2022,
BIOFUND participates in the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) in Montreal, Canada

BIOFUND participates in the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) in Montreal, Canada

The Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND) has been participating in the United Nations Conference on Biodiversity (COP15) since December 7th, in Montreal, Canada. Considered the largest meeting of governments across the world, held once every 10 years, this is where several countries come together to discuss biodiversity and the role it plays in protecting our planet.
PROMOVE Biodiversidade

PROMOVE Biodiversidade

The National Orderer’s Office (GON) and the European Union in coordination with the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC) and the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND) held on December 12, 2022, in Maputo City, the 2nd Session of the National Supervision Committee (CNS) of PROMOVE Biodiversidade.


The Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity – BIOFUND – on 25 November inaugurated its permanent exhibition hall and its new offices. Participating in this event were some members of BIOFUND, and its main partners and donors. During the event, the guests had the opportunity to visit the exhibition and the new BIOFUND office, and also enjoy a moment of relaxation.


Zélia da Laila, a young Mozambican woman, aged 26, born in Maputo province, graduated in Human Resources Management at Instituto Superior de Gestão e Empreendedorismo de Marracuene, was a beneficiary of the 3rd edition of the pre-professional internships of the Leadership Program for Conservation of Mozambique (PLCM), and she started her conservation experience in Chimanimani National Park (PNC).


The African Beach Soccer Championship, held from 21st to 28th October 2022, in the Tourist Town of Vilanculo, Inhambane province, gathered around 18,000 people including players, top individuals in the ​​Football field and others, supporters and general public, who, in addition to watching football, were part of an environmental awareness chain for the benefit of marine biodiversity, especially the Dugong.
Nampula Hosts training of Government technicians on the Ministerial Diploma on Biodiversity Offsets (55/2022)

Nampula Hosts training of Government technicians on the Ministerial Diploma on Biodiversity Offsets (55/2022)

It took place Between the 25th and 26th of October in the City of Nampula, in the Province of Nampula, the training of technicians from the Provincial Services and Directorates of the Environment and of the Technical Commission for Environmental Impact Assessment of Zambézia and the north of the country on the new Ministerial Diploma of Biodiversity Offsets in Mozambique ( Diploma 55/2022 ).
Government Technicians of the central region of the country Trained on the Ministerial Diploma on Biodiversity Offsets

Government Technicians of the central region of the country Trained on the Ministerial Diploma on Biodiversity Offsets

It took place from the 11th to the 12th of October in the City of Beira, Sofala province, the training of technicians from the Provincial Services and Directorates of the Environment and from the Technical Commission for Environmental Impact Assessment on the new Ministerial Diploma for the implementation of Biodiversity Offsets in Mozambique ( DIPLOMA 55/2022 ), with the aim of raising awareness among the institutions of the Ministry of Land and Environment (MTA),
“Blue Entrepreneurship” is highlighted at the 7th edition of “Our Sea” event in Maputo

“Blue Entrepreneurship” is highlighted at the 7th edition of “Our Sea” event in Maputo

Regarding the "Sea World Day " celebrated on 29 September, the French Embassy in Mozambique in coordination with the Ministry of Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries (MIMAIP), the Association of Undergraduate Students of Mozambique (AEFUM), the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND) and other partners, held from 24th to 30th of September last, the 7th edition of the event “Our Sea” under the motto “The sea we want” in Maputo City.