Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND) in partnership with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) through the COMBO+ Project and the Ministry of Land and Environment (MTA) represented by the National Directorate of Environment (DINAB) with financial support from World Bank/MozBio2 Project and UNDP/BIOSFAC, conducted between the 12th and 13th of October 2021 the first module of the intensive training program for 25 technicians from various sectors of MTA on the application of the mitigation hierarchy in Mozambique.
Published at 18/10/2021
BIOFUND, WCS and DINAB promote Intensive Training on the application of the Mitigation Hierarchy in Mozambique for Government technicians

This module provided by IMPACTO’s environmental impact assessment specialists focused on the Basic Fundaments for the application of the Mitigation Hierarchy, including Biodiversity Offsets in Mozambique and included the review of the environmental impact assessment legal framework, key principles for planning and assessment of biodiversity condition in environmental impact studies and brief introduction to the concept of the mitigation hierarchy.
During the training, trainees and trainers had an open dialogue about the various topics presented, as well as practical measures for implementing the mitigation hierarchy, using as example the various ongoing development projects in the country.
This intensive training program for technicians from the DINAB Biodiversity Offsets Department and other sectors of the MTA on the implementation of the mitigation hierarchy and biodiversity offsets, comprises 6 modules and will be delivered until March 2022.
BIOFUND and WCS have carried out trainings for technicians from the Government, civil society, private sector and academia since 2016 and has more than 1000 technicians trained in area of implementation of the mitigation hierarchy and biodiversity offsets at national level.
For more information about the Biodiversity Offset Program click here