Published at 19/12/2022

BIOFUND and the Government of Sweden sign agreement to support Biodiversity Conservation in Mozambique

The Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency have recently signed a partnership agreement to support Biodiversity Conservation and improve climate adaptability and resilience in Conservation Areas in Mozambique. This is the first long-term commitment from this important partner to BIOFUND, and is in line with the growth and diversification of funds that the Foundation is planning for the coming years.

With funding of USD 16 million, the project aims to support the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in relevant lands and seascapes, support innovative financing mechanisms to enhance the value of biodiversity and sustainable livelihood alternatives in communities, and strengthen biodiversity conservation management, studies, capacity building and training. The actions aimed at conservation areas meet the priorities of the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC).

These activities will be implemented until 2027, in the Pomene National Reserve, Niassa Special Reserve, Maputo Environmental Protection Area, Malhazine Municipal Park, as well as in some hunting grounds and community conservation areas.

This project will allow the reinforcement and consolidation of the actions that BIOFUND has been developing, as well as supporting existing Conservation Areas as well as new Conservation Areas that may be created.