This is a partnership agreement recently signed between the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND) and the Gorongosa National Park (GNP), in the context of the Mozambique Program for Conservation Leadership (MPCL) and the BioEducation Program, implemented by the GNP, with the aim of realizing the activities of component 2 of the MPCL which seek to motivate and attract qualified young people to the National System of Conservation Areas.
Published at 18/01/2022
BIOFUND and Gorongosa National Park sign a partnership agreement to strengthen the Mozambique Conservation Leadership Program

The agreement, which will last for two years and provides participation of young graduates with a master’s degree in Conservation Biology from the GNP BioEducation Program in the development of MPCL research and internships in the Conservation Areas, the BioEducation Program will also assist in the selection and supervision of beneficiaries of the MPCL programs, as well as collaboration within the leadership skills development activities promoted by Gorongosa National Park.
This partnership is expected to ensure the highest number and quality of master’s degree research on biodiversity conservation issues through technical support and supervision of students by qualified national and international tutors from the Gorongosa Restoration Project, through the granting of research subventions, among other activities.
For the Coordinator of the MPCL, Carolina Hunguana, the collaboration will allow the strengthening of the training capacity of future conservation leaders in Mozambique. “With this partnership, the MPCL will be able to launch in the next editions of the internship programme more young people trained for the conservation sector and will raise the quality and quantity of research on issues related to biodiversity. On the other hand, the MPCL beneficiaries will have the additional opportunity to strengthen their leadership skills through participation in experience exchange seminars promoted annually by Gorongosa National Park”.
The PNG’s BioEducation Program is financed by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Its purpose is to improve education about science and conservation through the creation of learning opportunities for young people, based on practical activities in the Gorongosa National Park. The PLCM Programme is initially financed by the World Bank/IDA (MozBio2 project) and implemented by BIOFUND in coordination with the National Administration of Conservation Areas (ANAC) and seeks to boost the capacities and skills of the professionals of the National System of Conservation Areas (SNAC)and shape the profile of the future leaders of conservation in Mozambique, as well as to promote environmental awareness within the civil society regarding the importance of conserving biodiversity.
For more information about the PLCM visit