Updated at 22/07/2024

The General Assembly, the highest body of BIOFUND, meets annually to approve the plans and activity reports of the Foundation and to elect the members of the Board of Directors and of the Supervisory Board. The Assembly consists of relevant figures, both Mozambican and foreign, from the public sector, the private sector, civil society, academic institutions and also representatives of the donors.

BIOFUND is managed by a Board of Directors of 7-9 members, from the various sectors represented in the General Assembly (Government, NGOs, Financial Management, Academia, Civil Society, Donors), which is responsible for the organisation, implements the strategic plan and the annual plans, defines general guidelines, and approves the investment policy and the plan of subventions to be granted.

The Board of Directors sets up consultative bodies and working committees for various purposes. Among these there stands out the Investment Committee, which supervises the financial applications of the Foundation made by professional asset managers.
To handle the day-to-day affairs of the Foundation, the Board of Directors delegates the necessary powers to the Executive Director. The Executive leadership also includes a Director of Administration and Finance, a Programs Director and Director of Innovative Financing.

The Supervisory Board, composed of three members, is responsible for inspecting annually all the administrative and financial activities of BIOFUND, including its accounts and reports, and for drawing up an opinion on activities that result in an increase or reduction of income.

Board of Directors

Narciso Matos

Jorge Ferrão
Vice Presidente

Adamo Valy

Lourenço do Rosário

Marcos Pereira

Carlos Henriques

Pejul Calenga
2024 – 2028

Milagre Nuvunga
2021 – 2025

Júlia Crause
2021 – 2025

Supervisory Board

Tereza Alves
2021 – 2025

Afonso Madope
2021 – 2025

Mateus Tembe
2022 – 2026

Board of the General Assembly

Fernando Sumbana
2021 – 2025

Angelo Levi
(Gorongosa Restoration Project)
Vice Presidente
2020 – 2024

Roberto Zolho
2021 – 2025

Individual Members

Abdul Magid Osman

Adamo Valy

Adriano Macia

Afonso Madope

Agostinho Nazaré

Alice Massingue

Almeida Sitoe

Anabela Rodrigues

António Branco

Bartolomeu Soto

Bruno Nhancale

Camila de Sousa

Carlos Henriques

Carlos Lopes Pereira

Carlos Santos

Carlos Serra

Catarina Chidiamassamba

Cornélio Ntumi

Djamila Ossman

Fernando Sumbana

Francisco Pariela

Helena Motta

Jorge Ferrão

Jose Oscar Monteiro

Lourenço do Rosário

Luis Bernardo Honwana

Madyo Couto

Marcos Pereira

Mark Rose

Mateus Muthemba

Milagre Nuvunga

Mohamed Harum

Narciso Matos

Natasha Ribeiro

Paulo Zucula

Peter Bechtel

Prakash Ratilal

Roberto Zolho

Salomão Bandeira

Samira Izidine

Samiro Magane

Sean Nazerali

Sérgio Rodrigues

Shakil Hassan

Tereza Alves

Valério Macandza

Institutional Members

Associação Moçambicana de Operadores de Safaris

Fundação Internacional para a Gestão da Fauna


Ministério da Terra e Ambiente (MTA)

WWF Moçambique


Centro Terra Viva

Gorongosa Restoration Project

Ministério do Mar, Águas Interiores e Pescas

International Union for Conservation of Nature

Federação Moçambicana de Turismo

Peace Park Foundation

Ministério da Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural (MADER)

Agência Francesa de Desenvolvimento – AFD

German Development Bank/ Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau


Fundação para o Desenvolvimento da Comunidade – FDC

Wildlife Conservation Society – WCS

Fundação Joaquim Chissano