Published at 03/08/2023

1st Edition of Marine Biodiversity Conference Drives Action for Marine Conservation in Mozambique

On July 27th and 28th, the 1st edition of the Marine Biodiversity Conference took place at the Maritime Museum in Maputo. The event was led by the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND) in collaboration with the Ministry of the Sea, Inland Waters, and Fisheries (MIMAIP), the Maritime Museum, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), the Peace Parks Foundation (PPF), the Italian Cooperation (AICS), with financial support from the Blue Action Fund, Government of Sweden, World Bank/Mozbio 2 Project, and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS).

The main objective of this initiative is to promote the dissemination, discussion, and exchange of experiences on ecosystem-based adaptation and coastal and marine conservation in Mozambique. To this end, the event brought together over 30 partners from various sectors, including the government, civil society, academia, private sector, among others, who shared their experiences over the course of the two-day event.

BIOFUND, a Mozambican non-profit institution exclusively dedicated to biodiversity conservation in Mozambique, drew inspiration from the concept of its Biodiversity Exhibition to lead the design and implementation of this annual event that will span five years. This concept, which has already reached over 35,000 people since 2015, has been a relevant vehicle for environmental education, the dissemination of information about our rich biodiversity, the promotion of conservation initiatives, and multisectoral discussions.

Alongside the conference, a thematic exhibition focused on ecosystem-based adaptation and coastal and marine conservation was also on display from July 27th to August 2nd. Comprising informational panels and photographs illustrating the diversity of marine species found along the Mozambican coast, the exhibition attracted around 470 visitors and provided a 3D visual experience of marine life provided by the Marine Megafauna Foundation (MMF).

The exhibition activities included environmental education workshops focused on material recycling, facilitated by the Redes de Luxu Association, producing items such as necklaces, earrings, and bags. These activities engaged 85 children, including 54 students from the 25 de Junho Complete Primary School in the City of Maputo and 31 students from the Saul Filipe Tembe Complete Primary School in the Municipal District of Catembe.

BIOFUND, as the trustee for biodiversity conservation, stands ready to support these efforts and work in partnership towards the protection and conservation of coastal and marine biodiversity in Mozambique. They have renewed their commitment to ensuring this platform for knowledge sharing and experiences over the next 5 years.

Stay connected to the Marine Biodiversity Conference’s Facebook and Linkedin pages to learn more about the various moments of the event and updates about the next edition taking place in 2024.